Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Interview with Yolandi Malherbe -Playboy Playmate

Yolandi Malherbe is a famous Playboy Playmate from South Africa  who has been a rising star since some tme ago. She is well known for being featured as Playboy Playmate for 2011 and is among the most beautiful women in South Africa.

Yolandi was born in July 16th, 1986 in Cape Town. Her beauty is stellar and since breaking through the model business she has being very busy hosting shows, modeling, being featured in Sports Illustrated, FHM and music videos and meeting models, celebrities and becoming one of the top stars in South Africa.

She goes as @JuicyJemma on twitter and is very close to her fans. I had the honor to interview her for Boobs' Realm. She was really kind and very down to Earth. I have done many interviews for the blog and Yolandi has been the most natural girl answering the questions and was willing to share all she could. Yolandi is also the first Playboy girl that honors this blog, thus I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I do.

Raven_Azael: How did you get to modeling and do Playboy?
Yolandi Malherbe:  Like most girls, I'm sure, I've always dreamed of becoming a model one day, though I was never quite sure, or prepared for, how to get there. I've been involved in the small modeling jobs (pageants, photo shoots etc) since a very young age but it wasn't until recently that I took some risks. Towards the end of 2010 I decided to get out of a serious relationship, and everything that comes with it, to give my dream a go. I started with a lingerie shoot, just for portfolio purposes, and the one thing just lead to the next. A few modeling competitions, three music videos, many more photo shoots, ad campaigns and interviews later, I casted for PLAYBOY. Ever since I go my Playmate title, I have really catapulted into the big and got the break I needed. In the last year I've posed for more magazines, was involved in a PLAYBOY ad campaign, got some massive sponsorships on board, landed my first cover and even posed for PLAYBOY for a second time. I've been in the industry for barely 2 years and I've achieved a lot, though, I'm not nearly done. I've signed a cool movie deal recently, so production thereof starts soon. Exciting times ahead and very hard work, but I am ready for this.

Yolandi in an amazing picture from Playboy

Raven_Azael:   You were born in Cape Town, but your last name is french, what is your family heritage?
Yolandi Malherbe:  I'm born and bred in Cape Town and, though most of my family originates from other parts in SA, we're all South African, and proudly so. But yes, my surname is French and I think if I were to dig deep, I'll find that I might have French blood or French ancestors.

Raven_Azael: What is the best part of being a model? and the worst part?

Yolandi Malherbe: The best part is the people you meet, the talented people you get to work with, the exclusive events you're invited to, meeting other big names in the industry and, of course, the opportunities we're presented with. It's an amazing feeling to get to do something you've only ever dreamt of. My favourite part of my 'job' is when my work is published and I get to share my passion.

The worse part is sometimes the long hours. Shoots start early, there's a lot that goes into the behind the scenes and shoots can go on for hours. The longest I've been on a shoot was 13 hours! But in the end, when you see the results or what it gets used for, it's all worth it.

Raven_Azael: I read you want to be a Tv presenter. What are your future plans related to this matter? Maybe crossing to acting?

Yolandi body painted with the South African rugby jersey. ( Now I love rugby)

Yolandi Malherbe: Well, I've had a tiny taste of presenting when I was a guest on Good Hope FM for about 6 months last year. I was on the breakfast show on Fridays only and that was a lot of fun! For now I'm going to focus on the movie deal I have and give it my all so that I can, in time, add 'actress' to my accolades. Being a guest presenter on a show or presenting a show once or twice a week, is something I'll do. I'm not so sure if I'd do it every day.

Raven_Azael:  How is a normal day in your life?

Yolandi Malherbe:  Every day is different. That's the beauty of the industry. I have days where I need to be some place early for a radio interview, followed by meetings regarding a shoot, campaign, sponsorship etc. Sometimes I need to be at a shoot all day and attend a big event that evening. I have my days where I am super busy and do quick wardrobe changes in my car. But I also have days which I call 'admin days'. Then I'll update my page, reply to emails & inbox, sort out bookings and so on. When I allow myself an off weekend, I always try and get out of Cape Town.

Raven_Azael:  I read you have implants, well let me tell you they are really amazing, look terrific, why and when did you get them? What size were you and what size are you now?
Yolandi Malherbe:  Yeah I don't deny when asked about my augmentation but I also don't go around boasting about it. I had it done for me long before I even though of modeling. I was a small B and went up to a D. It was the greatest thing I have ever done for myself and I'll encourage any girl to have their boobs done, provided it's done for the right reasons.

I am Speechles.....(jaw drops)

Raven_Azael:  I read you like rich men and celebrities, but how would you describe your perfect man, physically and personality?

Yolandi Malherbe:  We all like rich men and celebrities because they fascinate us, but those are definitely not the kind of men I would go out of my way for. I've had my fair share of rich men, celebs and even complete douche bags. But kissing frogs is part of life. Back when I was single, my vision of Mr Right was unrealistic. I've learned that it's important that you can trust your partner, be his/ her number one, be supportive of one another's dreams and also make sure that, regardless of your past, make sure you have the same goal/ future plans in mind. I don't care if a man doesn't have the body of a Calvin Klein model or if he's rich. He just needs to be healthy, independent and ambitious.

Raven_Azael:  Do you prefer that a guy takes the initiative with you or you are the kind of girl that if you like a guy you go straight to talk to him or ask him out?
Yolandi Malherbe:  I don't even remember how all of this work as I'm in a steady relationship, but I can tell you that I won't ever chase a guy. And if I don't like him, I won't let him waste his time either.

Raven_Azael:   What is your biggest turn on and your biggest turn off?

Yolandi Malherbe:  Turn on, smell. I love it when a guy smells good. Turn off, arrogance and rude manners.

Raven_Azael:  Your twitter account is @JuicyJemma, so now you have more contact with fans. What is the weirdest thing a fan has told you or sent you?

Yolandi Malherbe: I've had some pretty weird encounters. I've had dozens of marriage proposals, naked pics men send to me and so on. But the craziest must have been a mail from a fan offering to pay me to attend an event with him AND pretend I'm his girlfriend 'to make his ex jealous'. Obviously I declined.

Raven_Azael: Going a bit naughty hehe... what is your favorite sex position?

Yolandi Malherbe: Gonna have to pass to the next question! Sorry.

A good picture to forget the bad question

Raven_Azael:  Some people think it is not hard to model, but I believe that we see the final product and do not realize that in order to get that amazing picture, there may have been some trouble, issues or anecdotes. What is the most funny and/or troublesome thing that has happened during a photoshoot or filming?

Yolandi Malherbe: I've never really had one horrible shoot or encounter, but what people often don't realize, is the images or final product you're looking at, took weeks to prepare, pre- and post-productions meetings were held, wardrobe planning, 2 hours of hair and make-up only and almost an entire day of shooting. Sometimes there can be drama when a venue is double-booked, a permit hasn't been arranged, postponing due to weather or someone that doesn't pitch etc. But in the end, everything works out and everyone's happy!

Nice set of pics

Yolandi in the woods

Raven_Azael:  Which model would you like to work with in the future?

Yolandi Malherbe:  I can't think of any model I'd like to work with. There are a few males that come to mind though. Athletes. I'll leave it at that.

Raven_Azael:   You were playmate of July 2011. How did you take that? How can a playboy bunny get to be named playmate of the month?

Yolandi Malherbe:   If girls want to become a Playmate, they need to mail PLAYBOY with info about themselves and some photos (to steve@playboy.co.za). They will then decide which girls they see for a casting. PLAYBOY has castings on a certain date in certain areas. Playmate hopefuls then give it a shot! Simple interview and test shoot is all. Back when I applied for a casting, it worked a little differently, but overall it's pretty much the same. Interview and photo shoot. PLAYBOY then decides who the next Playmate is and they do a new shoot for her to be featured in the magazine. A bunny is completely different to a Playmate. As far as I know, they don't need to do a test shoot and the process isn't as strict. They are also not featured in the magazine. They attend cool events and hang around with Playmates and pose for pics. If a bunny wants to be featured in PLAYBOY or wants to be chosen as a Playmate, she'd have to cast for it.

Raven_Azael:  You are finalist in Face of South Africa (for me you are the face and the body), how did you get into the contest? How can fans vote for you?

Yolandi Malherbe: I saw the competition being advertised on an events company's Facebook page and e-mailed them. It was open to all men and women, of all ages, provided they're SA citizens. People could vote on Facebook so that the organisers could get a feel of who SA wants as their winner. Beginning July the top 10 was announced and I was one of them. Last week they announced me as the winner, which is amazing! I'm currently awaiting more details on what my prizes and title entails.

Raven_Azael: That is amazing. Congratulations!

Yolandi is obvioulsy a winner

Raven_Azael: What are your goals short term and long term?

Yolandi Malherbe: Short term - I really want to work on getting one or two magazine covers and finish my 2 movies for this year, and do a great job at it. I'm doing training at Crucifix Rio Grappling Club & MMA, so fitness is also at the top of my list.

Long term - find balance between my work-life and love-life. Getting married, settling down and having kids are what life's really about. So, when the time is right, I'd love to have it too.

Raven_Azael: Is there anything you would like to add to your fans?

Yolandi Malherbe: I guess a huge thanks is in order! Thanks for your tolerance and support whenever I need voting, thanks for the many weird and wonderful inboxes and thanks for reminding me from time to time why I'm in this industry. I'm currently working on a competition, due to launch this week, and it'll be one BIG prize to one BIG fans. I'm even including my sponsors to help make the prize very attractive! Join my page to be kept updated on my career, get first look at the cool things I do, see behind the scenes, my entire portfolio and also the competitions. Like here - www.facebook.com/PlaymateMissJuly2011

Raven_Azael: Thank you Yolandi for your time and sincere answers. I really wish you the best and from here Boobs' Realm fans and I will support your career. Is an honor to have you here.

So here I leave you with more pictures of Yolandi Malherbe and a couple of videos. I strongly suggest you to check her Facebook account  follow her on twitter @JuicyJemma  and always support her and vote for her in all contests. 
 Hot picture from twitter

Christmas gift

Showing her nice body to the camera

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